Respectful problem solving for separating and divorcing couples
Divorce and Separation Solutions for Milton Keynes
A group of like-minded lawyers working collaboratively and dedicated to finding creative, cost effective and child focused solutions for a good divorce and separation.
Collaborative law, family mediation and arbitration services
Professional experienced family law solicitors and lawyers
The group can offer various options to reach settlement:
Collaborative Law
Choose this option if you want to discuss a settlement in face to face meetings with your lawyer by your side.
Choose this option if you cannot reach agreement but want a decision by an expert of your choice more promptly than the court can provide.
Choose this option if you believe that with the help of a neutral trained mediator you and your partner will be able to reach agreement.
Legal Advice
We are all trained lawyers who can offer you legal advice on all aspects of your separation
Nuptial and Cohabitation agreements
Living together with a clear agreement as to what will happen if you separate avoids dispute later on
Arrangements for your children
Agree arrangements for your children in a collaborative setting

Who Are the Milton Keynes Collaborative Law Group?
We are family law specialists who work collaboratively together to help you reach an amicable separation.
Whether you are married or an unmarried couple, or parents needing help to put in place child focused care arrangements we can help:
Latest: No Fault Divorce – Here At Last – A More Collaborative Approach:
From 6th April 2022 a fundamental change is that the divorce can be obtained by either one party solely or by both parties jointly – purely on the ground that the marriage has broken down irretrievably.
There is no need for any additional detail e.g. no salacious allegations of behaviour or adultery required.
The ability to now obtain a divorce on a joint basis will hopefully pave the way for the parties to deal with the other pressing matters arising on their separation in a more amicable and collaborative way approaching the decisions that need to be taken jointly and with a will to limit acrimony and stress.